Our Final Draft

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Evaluation Question 4.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our perfect audience member would be a TOWNIE.
  • This tribe is the core of the British Population
  • They like a variety of entertainment
  • They like R 'n' B, mainstream hip-hop and pop music, but this isn't a main focus
  • They are very into talent contestants, celebs and soaps.
  • Holidays and socialising are a big thing also

Tribe Icons:

Cheryl Cole, Danny Dyer, John Terry, Lacey Turner, Scott Mills and Rhianna

Brands and Media Consumption:

How they dress:

Looking at this type of tribe it seems the type of audience member that every film would try to be attracting as they are the core of our British Population and are into everything new and modern.

Our type of drama comedy film would attract them for a number of reasons:

1. For starters the dramatic side of the film would attract these tribe members as they seem to watch a lot of dramatic soaps on TV.

2. They are already very top heavy on the Cinema side which is good for us as they seem the type of people who would go to the cinema regularly and try out and watch different types of films and ours as this quality of being original and different.

3. They are also very into their media so would be good judges for our type of film when finding out what works and what doesn't.

4. They are very 'trendy' and are the people to ask when wanting to know what is happening in the entertainment world at that moment. So this would be great when they advertise our movie and spread the word to their friends, families etc.

5. Their personality is very relaxed and easy-going and this would pair well with our genre as it is a funny, light hearted drama comedy.

Evaluation Question 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Monday, 25 February 2013

Evaluation Question 2.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When we first started creating the character of Gordon we never decided to base him around a previous character as we wanted to be different and original but subconsciously it happened and we soon realised how easily media influences certain stereotypical characters and no matter how hard you try to create a different original character it can always be stereotyped into a category. For instance, Forrest Gump fits perfectly into our character of Gordon Twiginam with the similar characteristics of both characters having very geeky personality to the similar story of being a failure to a big succes, even right down to the costume they match up well with the suit combination. Regarding the props used for the character, we decided to go for a brown satchel bag that Gordon should wear throughout the opening titles to inflict the idea of him trying to be 'cool' and sophisticated. This was a slight twist on the character of Mr.Gump as he never tries to be something he's not whereas Gordon does. Our locations also completely contrasted, to the town of Georgia in North Carolina being used for Forrest Gump and ours taking place in Britain with our main school building of Gordonstoun House trying to represent the idea of a big high rise office building. I guess in the end we were extremely influenced with our character choices but when it came to other points of mise-en-scene, such as props and locations we tried to make these slightly more original but only slightly as you can always compare something easily to something that's already be done. 

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Evaluation Question 1.

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(Pictures go left to right)

The Title of the film:
 For our title we decided to use the stop-motion technique as we found when looking at other films that this was a modern way of presenting a title, for example the film Napoleon Dynamite. We used primary colours when colouring in the title to associate it back to primary school and being a child.

The Setting:
For our setting we decided to use our main school building as this seemed a good building to associate an office with as its quite high-rised.. We also filmed most of our piece outside in our playing fields for the playground scene, we got this idea from Forrest Gump as their title sequence also starts outside with Forrest sitting on a bench.

The Costumes:
The costumes we chose were chosen for a specific reason in order for our characters to be represented more easily, for example having the secretary wearing a stereotypical suit and heels, having her hair in a bun and wearing glasses at the end of her nose. Watching films nowadays most costumes that characters wear are to represent their role or type of character and so we also followed this principal.

Camera Work and Editing:
When deciding what shots to incorporate into our opening titles we knew we had to encourage complex shots in order to keep it interesting and using shots such as shot, reverse shot and an establishing shot did this. When watching professional opening titles now they have to grab their audience straight away and lots of different types of shots are used to do this and so we had to make sure we stuck to this idea also.

A variation of font styles are now used to present titles in films and some even fit into the style of the film, for example a horror film some titles are shown in blood. With ours we made them clear enough and not too distracting so the audience could focus more on the narrative.

Like most opening titles we made sure we introduced the main characters and their background story straight away by the playground scenes as well as giving an idea to the audience about what the whole narrative was about. Opening titles such as 'Angel Share' introduces all the characters straight away at the beginning and we took influence from this film when thinking about introducing Gordon Twiginam except we added a voice-over.

With our genre being Drama Comedy we made sure we had the generic conventions of a geeky character who always made mistakes (i.e the screenshot of him dropping all his papers) to provide the comedy part to the film and then we had the dramatic narrative of him going back to his school reunion having hated school when he was younger but how he's changed.This narrative is something the audience could relate to as it's quite realistic. Our real media product influence was the film 'You Again' from 2010 with the character Gordon Twiginam based on Marni.

Our main character Gordon Twiginam is consistent throughout apart from the change of age at the beginning of the opening titles.Throughout the course of the film you would meet the people from his high school and also more of the secretary character would appear. As I said before Gordon Twiginam was based on the character Marni in 'You Again' and the secretary was taken from films such as 'Devil wears Prada' a secretary always trying to pleae.

Special FX:
Our special effects included a fade to black effect to show the time seperation between Gordon Twiginam being young and old. This was to break the film up so the audience could clearly see the division in time. A cross dissolve was also used in the playground scene to show the time change, and as I said previously we used the stop motion effect, although it does not however smoothly run together. With most drama comedy films special effects aren't a main feature as it's more about the storyline compared to action films such as James Bond with special effects appearing every other minute, we tried to stick to the actual genre and so didn't incorporate as many effects because of this.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Our Final Version

This is now our final version after changing some of the elements that we got feedback on. 

Changes to be made to our final draft:

Having recieved feedback on our final draft version of our opening titles the following things have been noted to change in order to make it even better:
· The name of our production company needs to be on screen about 2 seconds longer.
· Capital and lower case letters need to be consistent across our titles.
· No sound after our title appears.
· Our title card needs to be on for longer.
These changes now need to be made as soon as possible. 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Our Final Draft

As far as we're concerned this is our final draft of our Opening Titles and we would like to now receive feedback on it although we have found some things which we would like to change in order to improve it. 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Changes from Rough Edit to Final Draft

After receiving some feedback from our rough edit we decided a few changes needed to be made in order to make it that little bit better. We changed:

  • The speed of the titles in order for the audience to clearly read them.
  • The number of shots of Gordon Twiginam walking to his office we cut to make the piece shorter.
  • The speed of the playground scenes and sped them up in order for the narration to fit in with what was being shown on screen.
  • The logo from having Eon productions to studiocanal as this suited our film better as it was an independant film company.
  • The length of the music and instead of cutting the music we slowly faded it out as it made it more smooth.