Our Final Draft

Friday 9 November 2012

Point 15 - 'Pearl and Dean' website

When looking on the Pearl and Dean website and in the business section I learned about how the industry categories their audiences.

They commented on the drastic change in cinema over the past decade, showing people how it used to be all about the Hollywood blockbusters but nowadays people are more likely to watch a heartfelt documentary or an indie film not some big 3D family action film. This has had a big impact on the diverse range of audiences who go and watch films at the cinema.

Pearl and Dean split their target audience into three groups: Family (family focus attracts a housewife and child audience), 15+ (Cinemagoers who are young and upmarket) and Art House (The art house cinemagoer is older). This is then split again into: Age, Class and Gender. An example is shown below:

For our film opening I would categorise our perfect audience member into the 15+ group as they are upmarket and young so would be similar to the tribe group of a townie which I defined as my perfect audience member on the previous post.

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